I’m sure you’ve heard someone say it before…. “I feel like I’m just not being fed.”
You say, “Let me guess…you’re talking about church.” No…actually I’m talking about American consumerism IN the church. Since when has the Church of Jesus Christ come to be dictated by consumer tendencies?
Oh that’s right…my bad…Jesus did give us a boat load of parables emphasizing customer satisfaction with the church.
As a gluttonous yet peace loving consumer myself, I do have to present both sides of the story in defense of consumer tendencies. The church has not always responded well to this new found pious consumerism. If the Church is sincere in its attempts at fixing the problem, I don’t understand the “if the customer isn’t satisfied with the menu then they should eat at home” approach. My head spins! “Self feeding” is a ridiculously lame excuse for consumerist christians and churches.
These two categories/approaches don’t seem adequate. How could we think about this tension differently? What category (s) are we missing?
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
3 days ago