So in spite of the fact that the weather in my part of the country finds us pining for for electric underwear, hand warmers, and even a single ray of spite of these facts, we try to turn our frozen sluggish minds out of hibernation and focus on more positive things like a New Year.
Just to make you New Year's Resolutioners have turquoise fuzzy feelings about me, I'm going to get some reflection and projection out of the way.
Another year is gone by and I just had another birthday. I'm stubbornly trying to convince myself that I'm not getting old, but my birthday cards haven't been very consoling. I found this tucked away in one of my hasn't seemed to help my self esteem.
I show this short video clip in my speech class every year. Though I've seen it many times I was impressed in a new way when I showed it to my class several days ago. I'm most impressed with the idea of surrounding yourself with just a few of your most favorite things. Why pick through 20 shirts each day when you'd be most happy simply wearing your 5 favorite ones? I'm committed to getting rid of the extra clutter in my life that I don't need. I'm going to focus on quality rather than quantity. (This is NOT a "New Year's Resolution"...just an inspiration)
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
3 days ago