Well...its that time of year when doctors will be busy unplugging throats and people will be reminded to thank God for all the bounty in their lives that they have come to depend so heavily on. "Thank you God that I don't live in the Middle East and that I'm not starving like the Africans and...oh...would you please hand me my bottle of gently warmed milk before I go to bed?"
An optional assignment was given by a teacher in chapel the other day. I decided to join the students and have a go at it myself. We are compiling a massive list of thanks. I decided to submit a list of 25 that is fairly specific but certainly not composed in order of importance.
Things I am Grateful For:
1. A kind and encouraging note yesterday
2. Shirts that don’t get wrinkly (I think they have Teflon in them or something)
3. Coffee shops that don’t play loud music
4. Socks that don’t have holes in them (I hate holes in socks)
5. Friends that can be cynical with me.
6. Friends that refuse to let me become an eternal cynic.
7. Cheap rent
8. Country air
9. Family ( this one is huge and its so sacred that I cant even say much about it)
10. Libraries with soft carpet (I hate libraries with cold tile floors)
11. Drinking water that doesn’t have chlorine in it (If your not sure what chlorinated water is, go drink some Pepto-Bismol)
12. Department store cashiers that don’t look and act like they haven’t slept in 48 hrs
13. Weather that’s cold enough for hot drinks
14. Having supper with my Grandparents every Wednesday night. (Especially my Grandma’s killer breakfast meals)
15. Live music (Recorded music just doesn’t do it for me)
16. Passionate Jesus followers
17. My mom’s special hot drink mix known to its true blue drinkers as “three in one”
18. Showers that don’t change temperatures or volume of output.
19. People that can see past all my garbage and blow on the small ember of good that lays in there somewhere.
20. The opportunity to help build God’s Kingdom
21. “Indulgent Trail Mix” (It can be bought most economically at our dear Wal-Mart according to my knowledge)
22. Unscheduled days (I’m just saying….if I had one I WOULD be grateful for it)
23. People that don’t care about money (they’re really cool)
24. thank! God i dont haf too teach grammar? (Especially sentence diagramming)
25. That God doesn’t change His mind about all of us (He would have plenty of ground to stand on if he decided to scrap all of us and start over)
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
3 days ago