Oooooooooh...........its that time of year favorite! My breath hung in the air this morning. I put a jacket on every time I went outside today. I simply love letting that cool crystalline air seep in through all my pores and making sure I kick every lonely leaf I pass.
After being cooped up inside most of the day and working on school work until dark, I parted my curtains and looked outside. The moon was bright and the air looked crisp and clean as ever. Furthermore my landlord just mowed his hayfield today so....all things considered....the conditions were perfect for a stroll. I decided that I would go out and sit in the freshly mowed hayfield and call an old friend.
I happily grabbed a sweat shirt, made a steaming cup of cappuccino, and stepped outside my front door, with great anticipation. The overpowering scent filled my nostrils. It hung like a heavy fog. I could even taste what I smelled. THE NEIGHBORING FARMER HAD JUST SPREAD A MOUNTAIN OF SOUPY CHICKEN MANURE ON THE FIELD! (I don't know if it was really soupy...but it tasted soupy)
I poured my cappuccino out on the ground and went back inside.
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
3 days ago