The Gospel in a N
Image by randihausken via Flickr
Let us get down to the real story. One fine day Godfrey found himself wondering down the previously mentioned lane. Not watching where he was going, Godfrey stumbled upon the largest most greenest acorn he had ever seen. “Oh my STARS that’s a big acorn,” said Godfrey to himself. Though Godfrey had never known it, he had always wanted such an acorn. In fact, though he had never known it, he realized for the first time that he had always NEEDED a big acorn. To this day the Appalachian folk tell their children at an early age that they need an acorn.
Snatching up the acorn, Godfrey continued his stroll. Before long, a large, grey squirrel bounded across the lane. Now Godfrey’s mother had always told him not to be selfish, especially with things that everybody else needed like food, water, and air to breath. With these thoughts in mind, Godfrey knelt and held out the acorn. Godfrey was utterly shocked when the squirrel merely glanced at him and bounded off on his merry way into the woods. “Well, my lands…what a dumb squirrel,” thought Godfrey to himself. “He’s too dumb to even know how much he needs this acorn!” Didn’t the squirrel know that winter was coming? Godfrey took comfort in the fact that if the squirrel knew how good the acorn really was and how much he really needed the acorn, he would certainly come get it from him. Oh, if the squirrel only knew!
(to be continued)