I have been slow to publish this post. In fact I published it, then deleted it after reading it. It sounds arrogant, which is an image the opinionated people of this world must combat whether true or not. Then I read a portion of Revelations, the last part of "The Return of the King" from the ring trilogy, and spent some time thinking about the battle between good and evil. Now I have decided to re-publish this post...for good or for worse :) So make your assumptions about my character and my beliefs, for people do that, and if you think poorly of me after reading this post, well....God still bless you!
Since the time I could understand the English language, I have been hearing one thing coming from Christianity loud and clear. I have been hearing that we as Christian are the ones that really understand reality. We are ones that have sifted through all the foolish games that men play (we don't waste our time with those), and WE are the ones playing the only game that really matters. According to a carpenter from Galilee and one of his most adamant followers, Paul, I believe we should refuse complacency and continue to examine the game we play! Its bad news if we think we are playing baseball and we're really playing Russian Roulette! You better know what game you're playing!
I recently read a fairly potent blog post by Michel Spencer that I found very interesting. Micheal basically points out that in childhood we have our imaginary enemies and their imaginary crimes. Now in our war obsessed evangelical world, we really haven't put or childhood behind us, nor have we put on the new Christ [that both Paul and Jesus Himself speak of]...who refuses to have enemies...in fact stubbornly loves those who believe they can be our enemies. Spencer points out that we haven't put our childhood behind us. We still have our enemies, now....
"Its the militant angry gays and lesbians
Its radical atheists
Its democrats liberals and supporters of the president
Its progressives and their social agenda
Its Muslims
Its the main stream media and their hatred of Christianity
Its the hostile minions of Christianity harassment and persecution
Its the guy you are arguing with in a blog
Its a (so called)Christian who doesn't agree with your politics or theology"
As one comment put it, "Without the "bad guys" [our enemies] the game would be over......OH!!!" I'm wondering what game you're playing? To whose music are you dancing? Which drummer are you following?
Man has been creating games since the beginning of time in an attempt to satisfy some of our strongest thirsts and desires. Football satisfies that barbaric desire in each of us men to "hammer" another man, while skydiving satisfies our risk craving. What about that childhood desire for enemies...my heart breaks for all the grown-up children I see.
"When I was a child I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, i put away childish things. - I Cor. 13:11"
When I speak of enemies, I am not speaking of how we treat others. As good Christians we always treat people lovingly, because we have to (its commanded); however, in my heart I'm still allowed to harbor a kind of hatred for that atheist or evolutionist, right? Somehow I would still like Osama bin laden to die, though I could never treat him that way myself. I am talking about a mindset...a perspective. Who are your subconscious enemies that you aren't even aware of?
I want to play a game that doesn't make my neighbor my enemy. By making my neighbor my enemy, I am losing the battle against the Dark Lord and hindering the advancement of the Kingdom of Light. When I love my neighbor, I cast a revealing light upon the real foe...exposing him...and thus entering into REAL life.
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
3 days ago