As even Answers in Genesis admits, archaeological evidence of the miraculous destruction of Jericho is incredibly scanty. For years archaeologist have been raking the west bank in search of supporting evidence for the Israelite story.
As of last week the world now stands in shock while the archaeological community discovered they just might be searching in the wrong corridor! As the ice pack melted in North Western Pennsylvania a small group of private christian school students stumbled upon a scene emerging from centuries of glacial cover. The scene has the Board of Biblical Archaeology (BBA) and strict fundamentalist alike, sputtering for answers. Judge the scene for yourself.
The stillness of the scene is quite haunting....a moment in time frozen on the very faces of those involved.
No one has answers! How did the Lanapi hear of the Israelite success, and what led them to believe they could experience the same success against a "Five Nations" palisade?
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
3 days ago