ANOTHER dictator is dead....Harold Camping was wrong AGAIN....and intellectualizing the Anabaptist way hasn't helped us like we thought it would.
Aye...if Gaddafi would just have known what I know about "Truth" or what is really "Real"...if he would just be as smart as I...if he would have had a well thought out "Anabaptist perspective" on leadership...Oh, if he would just know what I know about "community"...he clearly didn't understand "relationships"....if he could have attended that seminar on "The Kingdom" God, HOW did he not get a copy of "Mere Christianity?"
....and at this point in the story Jesus leans over and interrupts my prayer, "sshhh....(Me: Wait I didn't even get to Harold Camping yet!) sshh...check out that man over there punching himself in the chest....I'm telling you Kyle, He's getting really close to My Kingdom.