ANOTHER dictator is dead....Harold Camping was wrong AGAIN....and intellectualizing the Anabaptist way hasn't helped us like we thought it would.
Aye...if Gaddafi would just have known what I know about "Truth" or what is really "Real"...if he would just be as smart as I...if he would have had a well thought out "Anabaptist perspective" on leadership...Oh, if he would just know what I know about "community"...he clearly didn't understand "relationships"....if he could have attended that seminar on "The Kingdom" God, HOW did he not get a copy of "Mere Christianity?"
....and at this point in the story Jesus leans over and interrupts my prayer, "sshhh....(Me: Wait I didn't even get to Harold Camping yet!) sshh...check out that man over there punching himself in the chest....I'm telling you Kyle, He's getting really close to My Kingdom.
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
2 days ago