Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm 57 Years Old

About a month ago I told my Dad that I feel like a very old man. After reading this Mark Nepo piece this morning, I'm quite certain I'm 57 years old....

At Fifty-Seven

Mark Nepo

I feel like I stumbled
down a hill of years, only
to land in a pile of my books.

Along the way, I cracked
like a Russian doll; finding
something smaller and more
essential inside every version
I've known as me.

And now, when all I know
bursts into flame each time
I try to give it away, I'm asked
what matters.

There's something perfect
in how we're worn; like sculptures
left for Spirit and wind to finish, the
film taken from our eye just as
our heart is exposed, one
crumbling into the other.

Source: Unknown