I am a man therefore I like reading war stories….or maybe I should say I LIKED reading war stories before I became a teacher. Once I found that every history book is simply a book of war stories in chronological order I began to get tired of some of them. Has it ever occurred to you that those who get to write history are always the winners? Of course the winners are going to make it sound like their victory is what drives our story forward. Dead men and empires can’t tell their tales.
As I follow Jesus deeper into His own heart, I revolt more and more against egotistic bragging/humanism…therefore, I tire of hearing the winners tell their war stories…therefore, I’m sick of war…therefore, in my mind most of our history books are humanistic.
If there is anything that God cannot do, it is shut his ear to the distress cry of his children. God’s immense ocean of love cannot ignore the desperate cry of the oppressed, in fact I believe God refuses to ignore such a cry. God WILL act when his children are oppressed and cry out to him.
We see this first in the story of Cain and Able. God told Cain that Able’s blood cries out to him….God cannot shut His ear to that cry. The cry changed the course of history and Cain was cursed.
I feel a huge rant coming on....this will have to be continued.
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
3 days ago