I have been doing some study on community and a new realization suddenly dawned on me. To live in community is to bear witness to a future reality...the reality of the Kingdom of God. When people live beside each other, unselfishly, in the unity of loving relationships, where they truly love their neighbor as themselves....we have a picture of the coming Kingdom of Peace that Jesus promised.
Living in this way, in community, is possibly the best voice that the people of God have to the world. When we successfully live in loving community we say to a violent world (that still believes in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth), "the promise of a coming Kingdom of love and peace is not pie in the sky idealism....it is real!" Real bodies can give you a glimpse, right now, of what is coming.
We must ask ourselves, "Are we bearing witness to the future reality of the Kingdom?" If we are unable to demonstrate unselfish community living...if we cannot get along with our brother....if we cannot love our enemy...WE DO NOT BEAR WITNESS TO THE COMING KINGDOM!!!! In fact, when we, as God's people, demonstrate that we cannot live in loving community, we make Jesus a liar.
What does this have to do with marriage? In the Bible, this "coming Kingdom," is most often described as a marriage supper, with Christ coming for His bride. Most of us understand something about the spirit of wedding celebrations. I was reminded of this spirit at Ryan and Rene's wedding. The spirit at most of the weddings that I have attended has been love, servant hood, caring, unselfishness, happiness, celebration, and peace. True community living must consist of the very same attitudes and spirit.
I have come to the conclusion that weddings bear witness to the future reality of the coming kingdom. But is that the best we can do? Is that all we are capable of.....living out of the spirit of servant hood and love at weddings only?
Folks, when you live in community today, tomorrow, and again the next day....when you ask what you can give to the church rather than asking what the church can give to you...when you serve your brother or sister....when you live out of the spirit of love and servant hood....you are entering into the greatest marriage celebration. This is a GREAT marriage! Who are you to bring your selfishness, envy, hate, and anger to this wedding??? The groom doesn't want them...He wants you're love! If you would have come to Ryan and Rene's wedding thinking only of yourself, angry, shouting, and screaming words of hate...I myself would have been happy to show you the door. How much worse is it then to enter the greatest wedding of all with such a selfish spirit?
So I ask us to come to the marriage supper. I plead for community living. I pray for witnesses to the future reality of the coming Kingdom!
Here are a few pictures from my travels in Maine.
Cadillac Mountain: The first US soil to be kissed by the suns rays every morning.
Seriously, it gets real windy here on Mount Washington...they chain their buildings down. Record wind measurements here have reached 231 mph....hold me back!
A beginning at community:)