Have you ever wondered what Americans do with themselves? You know….what are the masses doing with themselves right now? I have always been under the notion that on a normal weekday America wakes up and dutifully and industrially goes to making their hard earned pennies.
I had a chance to do some first hand observation recently when school was called off on a week day for a funeral.
Thinking the nearby coffee shop would be empty on a weekday, especially mid morning…I first headed there to do several hours of reading. The masses that came and dilly dallied around in the coffee shop made my latte taste several decades old. I thought I was the exception…having nothing to do on a work day, but nope…there was clearly a lot of others in the same boat.
Just before lunch I head for the library. My oh my….I just want to hold my head. The place was full of people that weren’t even reading or doing research. They were waiting for a computer to get free, so they could satisfy their internet addiction. I thought I was the exception but nope…there they were again.
After lunch I thought I would use my rare day to put in my long run for the month, so I struck out on the Appalachian Trail. The number of hikers, joggers, and scenery gazers I encountered was mind boggling. I even passed a crowd, partying in a rented cabin. I thought I was the exception, but nope…they were there too.
By the time I sat down for supper, my lazy day didn’t even feel special. I realized that half of America seems to live that way, and they will do it even if its not really sustainable. Then I took a look at my day through a pair of more global spectacles and realized my day was grotesquely rare…..simply because it was a very American day. Since you’re an American…how does that make YOU feel?
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
3 days ago