Its that time of year when the white whale will make another appearance rousing the peg legged captain in each of us. The gorgeous sight of the white whale is not, each sighting seems to lure Ahab farther and farther from home, wife, and son...filling his heart with an insatiable thirst to see more of his own harpoons sticking out of the white whales back....binding him ever tighter to the whale itself, till one day he too will plunge to the sea floor along with the white whale, hopelessly tangled in the mess of his own ropes.
Yes, the snowy, white "whale of a season," known in some parts of the world as Thanksgiving and Christmas really SHOULD cause us to turn to the Father's Son and inspire us to be more like Him, but I challenge you to go to your local ER and ask them how many choking throats they unplugged last Thanksgiving....their answer will give you a beautiful picture of the Father's Son gagging on a drumstick. You may also want to spend a day observing Wal-mart the week before Christmas. I really shouldn't mention it...but the white bearded character of the Christmas season looks like he may have been one of those people that needed his throat unplugged at Thanksgiving himself.
Please understand, I'm all in favor of entering the jolly and charitable spirit of the season, but why do we need to violate and rape the moment? Why do we always feel the need to lower the boats and sink harpoons into the whale's back. What's the rush? Why does the whale have to be MINE? A character analysis of Captain Ahab would probably help us understand ourselves better.
Why couldn't we just sit together by the big window for hours and watch it snow? Why couldn't we just lay in the autumn leaves and have a cup of coffee together. Why couldn't we just get out great grandmother's dominoes and play "chicken foot." Why couldn't we just lean on the fence and talk to the neighbor? Why can't we enjoy the moment? Why can't less be more?
Common...its a "whale of a season!" Drop your harpoons me lads, throw the blasted Ahab and his agenda overboard, drink to the "Maker of the Sea", and a toast to Moby Dick! Sheesh....its not every day that you get to feast your eyes on a white whale.....
Testing Your Theology (podcast)
2 days ago